What Is Dietary Fiber? Dietary fiber, often simply referred to as fiber, is an essential nutrient derived from plant foods. Unlike other food components such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which our bodies digest and absorb, fiber remains relatively intact as it moves through the digestive system. This unique characteristic provides a wealth of health […]
Tag "Diet":

Unlocking the Secrets: How Does Fiber Influence Weight Loss?

Best High-Fiber Keto Foods: Your Ultimate Guide
Why Is Fiber Important on the Keto Diet? The keto diet has taken the world by storm with its potential health benefits and weight loss opportunities. However, as with any diet, there are considerations to bear in mind. The importance of fiber on the keto diet cannot be emphasized enough. Dietary guidelines suggest an adult’s […]

The Four Fs of Irregularity: Fluid, Fiber, Fitness, and Food
Have you ever gotten a random whim of inspiration at midnight, where you’re suddenly committed to becoming a new person tomorrow? A fit, healthy, hydrated self with a six-pack waiting for you right around the corner? The truth is such strategies to conquer the world always seem to have a blind spot on our inspired […]

Here’s What Your Stupid Diet Says About You
Keeping yourself balanced and overall healthy is oh-so-joyful and commendable. Honestly, it takes guts, stamina, and some preparation to reap those juicy rewards: the boosted self-esteem, the rush of endorphins, and a changed perspective on how you shape your happiness. And since we’re all made of different molecules, it’s understandable that some people want to […]

Breaking Down the Mediterranean Diet
Healthy, Ethnic, and Diverse Beauty of the Mediterranean Diet. The word itself makes your mouth water and creates vivid images of sun, siesta, fresh seafood, and island-beach breeze. Nowadays, through a wide array of diets, the Mediterranean diet springs to the top as one of the healthiest and most pleasant. Unlike other strict eating patterns, […]

Why Are You Constipated?
Being constipated is no fun. Carrying around a rock in your gut will quickly ruin your good time, your good mood, and your otherwise good health. The good news is that constipation can often be managed and sorted out without having to visit a doctor. Though, in extreme cases, please seek medical help. In order […]

Easy Ways To Include Fiber In Your Diet
It’s time to face the music. Many of us have digestive problems, and the reason for the struggles is usually simple: not enough fiber. The human body depends upon a number of nutrients to maintain normal functions and efficient metabolism. This is why fiber is so important. If you are not getting enough fiber in […]

You’re just about to head out to work. But one thing keeps you from going out the door. Constipation… Well, it’s no surprise but what you put in your body dictates what comes out. And how hard it can be. Here’s our favorite detox smoothie recipe that will help you get s**t done. Time to […]

Always Bloated? What Foods to Avoid and What Foods to Eat
Ever feel like you need to unbuckle your jeans after your meal to swap them out for the baggiest sweatpants you’ve got? And then still end up looking and feeling like you are about to have a food baby? This bloating can be caused by the types of food that you eat. So before you […]